Realtor Redux: Owner impressed, proud of major transformation at amenity-rich La Habra home
We’re back at the amenity-rich home in the cul-de-sac, and it’s hard to believe this is even the same house!
Located in La Habra, this house had been occupied by the owner for 38 years. That’s a lot of memories, but also a lot of wear-and-tear on the carpets.
New carpets were on the top of our list with this Realtor Redux. We had new carpeting installed in the living / dining room and in the upstairs save for the master bedroom where the carpets were only 2 years old. While we were at work upstairs, we also removed the wall paper in the upstairs bedrooms and brushed on a fresh coat of paint to brighten the space.
We had hoped to stick to a budget of $3,000, which proved to be a tough budget to keep. In the end, we spent about $4,500 on our Realtor Redux. But when the owner saw her refreshed home, we could tell she was truly impressed by our work and appreciative of the improvements. The transformation here was truly an amazing one, and the owner said she felt great pride in being able to present her home to in a fresh light.
When we first toured the house, we figured it could list as-is for about $680,000. And we thought with $3,000 in improvements, we’d be able to list the home for $699,000. In the end, we spent a little more and got a little more in return.
The property was listed for a range price of $699,800 to $719,800 and closed at $705,000. In other words, the $4,500 we invested returned about $20,500 more than if we had listed the property without the improvements. The owner was happy with the sale. The buyers were happy with their brand new home. And, of course, we are thrilled to have helped make it happen.
Check back again soon for the scoop on our next project. It’s looking like there’s a home in Fullerton that could use the Realtor Redux touch!
Fullerton, Home Improvement, Home Staging, James Bobbett, Martina Bobbett, Orange County, Photography, Real Estate, Realtor, Realtor Redux